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Rapid AI Solution Development

Solve pressing business problems with an AI-powered solution, developed quickly and efficiently.

The Rapid AI Solution Development consultancy is designed for organisations facing specific business challenges that require AI solutions but lack the in-house AI skills or resources to build them. With support from your technical partners or IT team and access to your organisational data, we collaborate to rapidly develop a version 0.9 AI-powered solution. This programme is ideal for organisations with a clear problem to solve and a time limit of 4 months, delivering a functional AI solution that addresses your needs effectively.


To help your organisation rapidly develop a version 0.9 AI solution to tackle a key business problem within a 4-month timeframe, leveraging your data and technical resources while providing AI expertise and development.

Programme Overview

  • Business Problem Identification
    The engagement begins by working with your organisation to clearly define the business problem you need to solve. We collaborate with your team to understand the challenge, working closely with your technical partners or IT team to assess how AI can provide a solution.
  • Data Readiness and Integration
    We assess the quality and readiness of your data, ensuring it’s in a suitable state to support AI development. Any necessary data preparation or structuring is handled at this stage, aligning with your technical resources for seamless integration.
  • Solution Design and Strategy
    Based on the problem and data, we design a tailored AI solution that fits within your organisation’s time constraints and business goals. This includes a strategic plan to develop an AI-powered prototype (v0.9) that addresses the identified challenge, focusing on practicality and delivering results within 4 months.
  • Rapid AI Solution Development (v0.9)
    With your data and technical support, we build the version 0.9 AI solution—a functional prototype that delivers real-world outcomes. This phase ensures the solution aligns with your business requirements and can be validated and tested by your team.
  • Testing, Validation, and Refinement
    The developed solution is tested and validated using your organisational data to ensure it performs effectively. Your IT or technical partners will support this phase, ensuring the solution integrates smoothly with existing systems and provides actionable insights or improvements.
  • Roadmap for Further Development
    After delivering the version 0.9 solution, we provide a roadmap for refining and scaling the solution into a fully developed product. This includes recommendations on further development, integration, and ongoing support to maximise AI’s value for your organisation.

Who Is It For

This programme is designed for organisations that have identified a specific business problem, have technical partners or IT resources in place, but lack the AI expertise to build a solution. Ideal for teams with a clear objective and a time-sensitive project (4 months), this programme is often engaged after completing one of our AI readiness or strategy programmes.

Key Benefits

  • Rapid AI Development: Solve your business problem with an AI solution built within a 4-month max timeframe.
  • Leverage Existing Resources: Utilise your technical partners or IT team while we provide the AI expertise and solution development.
  • No AI Skills Required: You provide the problem and data; we deliver the AI solution, working alongside your existing resources.
  • Tailored, Actionable Solution: Get a functional AI prototype that addresses your business challenge with a roadmap for further development and scaling.


This consultancy is delivered through a structured process over 4 months, working remotely or in-person with your organisation’s technical team and data, to ensure rapid development and deployment of the AI solution.


To confirm availability or ask further questions, please contact us at [email protected].